I'm frequently reminded of the under-representation of women+ in tech, especially women+ of color. Many companies cite a shortage of talent and the homogeneity of the talent pool. At the same time, new technologists are struggling to break into the industry.
In creating Fleurix, I wanted to focus on supporting entry-level women+ and building a sustainable pipeline of talent. Helping people start in the industry or providing support for early-stage talent has immense impact as well as importance. As a developer who had many doors closed because I didn't have a computer science degree, I am grateful to my current and previous employers who invested in me.
I’ve also benefited from technology events. Researching women+-focused conferences, I noticed a lack of local options and minimal options within the southeast. Most of the events were cost-prohibitive on an entry-level salary.
There are several strong local communities focused on increasing diversity in tech. I want to celebrate and unify these efforts through this conference, right here in Charlotte.
Let's help women+ flourish in tech, together.