Lean Agile Training Webinars

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  3. Lean Agile Training Webinars
Events from this organizer

WEBINAR (free): Using the Impediment List

Online event +64 more

Description: As some know, Impediment List is one of many patterns in “A Scrum Book“, a recent book on Scrum Patterns by Jeff Sutherland, James Coplien et al. This is…

Webinar (free): Intro to Our Real-World Scrum Workshop

Online event +11 more

This webinar is an intro to our Real-World Scrum workshop. The Scrum courses (eg, our CSM course) offer some time on applying theory to practice. This workshop enables you to…

Webinar (free): Dive into our Team Level Up workshop

Online event +11 more

The Team Level Up workshop is a key and important workshop we give. It is 24 hours. The purpose of THIS webinar is to explain the workshop in some detail.…

Webinar (free): Pigs and Chickens Issues

Online event +11 more

If you want to improve your Scrum Team or Scrum, please join us! We want to deal with PRACTICAL issues, such as: Who should be in your Team? What if you have problems? Who are the “Chickens” (part-time people) supporting your Team? How do you resolve all the practical problems that arise related to this?…

Webinar (free): Scrum Basics

Online event +11 more

This webinar is a bit about Agile, but mostly about the basics of Scrum, in 60 minutes. We also have our CSM course. It also gives you the basics, but in 16 hours. Still, basic, but notably longer. This webinar might be for someone thinking about getting into Scrum, or for a manager or another…

WEBINAR (free): Intro to the Team Level Up Workshop

Online event +11 more

We are holding a free online webinar about our Team Level Up Workshop. We have given this workshop a bunch of times recently. Clients have been very happy! The basic idea is to take a new/existing team (or teams) and do two things: Get all the team members and surrounding people on the same page.…